Forensic Biometrics Based Practical Approach in DNA and Fingerprint Evidence

Training Objective

To make the knowledge in a basic practical approach to Forensic DNA and Fingerprint evidence an insightful skill for forensic professionals when dealing with increasing global crimes in a multifaceted approach.


  • Participants shall go through the theory as well as basic practical approach in forensic DNA and Fingerprint.
  • They shall understand the types of trace evidence/mode of transfer, Identification, and practically learn how to Collect, Preserve and analyze at least their own Fingerprints and the practical approach to DNA evidence.


Four (4) day practical training on Finger Print Evidence, Serology/DNA, Questioned Document and Crime Scene Investigation Conducted by JJTC Consulting Limited in collaboration with International Academy of Forensics (IAF).


The training which comprises of Finger Print Evidence, Serology/DNA, Questioned Document and Crime Scene Investigation designed to give participants both theoretical and practical knowledge of the above fields.

Since no two persons have exactly the same fingerprints even identical twin, DNA with its uniqueness allows fingerprints to be used in all sort of ways, including for background checks, biometric security, mass disaster identification and of course in criminal situations.

The participants at the end of the training were exposed to the use of fingerprint to link one crime scene to another while investigating a crime and also for the officers with responsibility of verifying documents or certificates, the practical on questioned documents equipped them with the needed skills and expertise to perform their jobs professionally.

Members from several works of life were in attendance from EFCC, FIRS and high profile individuals from the public sectors.

Certificates were awarded to participants at the end of the sessions and award of excellence to the different groups and participants.

Training Pictures

Biometrics and Questioned Document

DNA and Serology

Crime Scene

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